24 Feb

Spectrum Engineering team starts to develop its own secure messenger

    Spectrum Engineering have started to develop their own SpectrumSec messenger.

    The main idea of the product lies in basic encryption which, in combination with extensive messenger features, makes it a perfect solution for users who value safety and security of their personal data.

    SpectrumSec will create a perfect and secure communication environment for all loyal users. We also place big bets on companies and corporations providing them with convenient opportunities for groups administration and management. We understand that business is becoming more global now and quite often top managers from different countries feel the need to safely discuss strategic issues.

    Your communication and conversations privacy will be secure excluding any possibility of being decrypted. All files, messages and voice calls will be sent in P2P (Person to Person) mode bypassing our servers. Our Spectrum Engineering development team will keep you informed of the latest stages of its product creation.

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