Functional Solutions


  1. Organization of commercial accounting (income, consumption, displacement, return, inventory, work with the calculation cards, calculation of production).
  2. Easy management of nomenclatures and prices.
  3. Separate transfer orders for the bar and the kitchen with the possibility of separation by department.
  4. Control cancellations or dishes with fixing refusal.
  5. Monitoring the effectiveness of the institution: the timeliness of the performance of its functions by each of the departments.
  6. DW informer – the screen is in the kitchen, which shows the procedure for preparing and dispensing of food into the room.
  7. Control of staff time: the integration of a puncher.
  8. Office inventory: orders to the supplier and the distribution network stocks.
  9. Financial Accounting: settlements with counterparties (customers and suppliers).
  10. Bank-client: the automation of import payment orders from the banking system in the accounting and the accounting system in the bank.
  11. The distribution of access rights to the functionality of the system in accordance with the official duties of users or user groups.
  12. A wide range of analytical reports (standard and management).
  13. Calculation of remuneration waiters.
  14. Docking with the data collection terminal.
  15. The data exchange between the central office and outlets (synchronization).
  16. Multi-currency payments to suppliers.
  17. VAT and docking with MEDoc system.


Front office

  1. Simple workplace cashier (UI – user interface).
  2. Support for trade and cash register equipment (a wide range of manufacturers).
  3. Integration with POS-terminals and tablets on the os Windows.
  4. Professional integration with the bank payment terminals.
  5. Use discount and loyalty cards, stocks, discounts and other marketing tools to attract customers.
  6. Cash discipline (statements) in accordance with applicable law.
  7. The use of mixed payment: check closing multiple forms of payment (cash + non-cash payment discount or bonus + card + gift certificate).
  8. Possibility of inventory on hand.
  9. Working with MMA and weight item.
  10. Management periodically serving dishes, special modifiers and other ingredients (including in the cost of food or a separate menu item).
  11. Ability to upload an image of food in the program for a better visual recognition of their menu.
  12. Display tables on the hall map and display additional information about the table: reserve and pre-order, scrip account.
  13. Work with accounts (open and closed accounts, merge, combine accounts).


DW Restaurant – a customized solution based on DW Business Tools System TM is intended for complex automation of cafes, bars, restaurants, fast food establishments, or the network.

Solution DW restaurant business turns into a clear, organized mechanism with centralized management. You get a single personnel management policies and procurement network restaurants based on the consolidated information and reporting.

DW restaurant enhances the discount systems, providing a wealth of tools for increasing guest loyalty.

The modular structure of the software package DW Restaurant accurately choose the configuration tool for a small restaurant or bar, and for multi-institution with several rooms and specialized cooking workshops.

Restaurant DW solution is fully ready for operation. With just one solution, you can automate the activities of all departments and functional units of the restaurant (the jobs of waiters, bartenders, cashiers, operators, as well as administrators, managers, engineers, and others.).

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